How to Find Collectible ID on Metamask?

A collectible ID is a unique identifier for an NFT in its collection. However, finding a collectible ID is simple with Metamask. All you have to do is find the NFT and check its details.

A collectible ID is another property of an NFT that showcases its uniqueness. NFTs, as we all know, are digital cryptographic assets.

Unlike cryptocurrencies that can be exchanged or traded at a pegged equivalency, NFTs contain unique codes and metadata that differentiate them from other NFTs. Therefore, an NFT cannot be exchanged at equivalency.

NFT contains identification code and metadata on the blockchain, hence, its irreplaceability. They represent real-world items like real estate and art.

Meanwhile, the art that NFTs represent can vary from images to videos, audio, gaming items, gifs, and so on.

Although NFTs cannot be exchanged for another like cryptocurrencies, they can still be minted or traded on the blockchain.

Anytime an NFT is minted, a collectible or token ID is always generated. A token ID is usually a 256-bit unsigned integer variable (uint256 variable) that is assigned to an NFT.

It represents the ID of an NFT in a collection, and therefore, it is always constant and globally unique within a collection.

Meanwhile, the collectible ID and the contract address of the NFT project represent the unique representation of the NFT assets on its blockchain.


Steps to Find Collectible ID in Metamask Mobile App

Collectible ID is an essential part of every NFT, and therefore, it is always in your NFT details within the Metamask wallet.

When you buy an NFT or receive an NFT, you can easily find them in the NFT section of your wallet.

To find your NFT, simply switch from tokens to NFTs. Then choose the NFT you want to view its collectible ID.

In the NFT details, you will find the ID beneath the NFT name.

Here’s a guide on how to find the collectible ID in your Metamask wallet:

1. Open Metamask Mobile App

Unlock Metamask

Open your Metamask mobile app. Input your password on the log-in page and tap UNLOCK.

2. Switch to the NFTs Tab

NFTs tab in Metamask App

In your wallet, switch from the TOKENS tab to the NFTs tab on your home screen. This will take you to the NFT collectibles available in your wallet.

3. Click on the NFT you wish to know the Collectible ID of

Once you’re in your NFTs section, all NFTs are categorized under their collection. In case it is a single NFT, just click on the preferred NFT.

4. View Collectible ID under the NFT name

Collectible ID in Metamask App

The collectible ID will be shown under the NFT name, as illustrated above.


Steps to Find Collectible ID in Metamask Extension on PC

1. Go to

If you’re using Metamask on a PC, you cannot see your NFTs in your Metamask wallet extension. However, you can easily scan your wallet on Ethereum blockchain explorer like All you have to do is go to on your web browser.

2. Paste your Metamask wallet address in the search bar

On the homepage, paste your wallet address into the search bar. Hit SEARCH to scan your wallet.

3. Go to ERC721 Token Txns tab

ERC721 Token Txns

Scroll down and click on ERC721 TOKEN TXNS to view your history of NFT transactions. Here, choose the particular transaction for the preferred NFT.

4. Click on View NFT and see Token ID

Token ID Etherscan

You can easily see the NFT collection name under the TOKEN section. Under DETAILS, click on VIEW NFT to see the full details of the NFT assets. Scroll down to view your Collectible ID under TOKEN ID in Etherscan.


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